Comprehensive online personal finance instruction for Grades 7-12

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What is the Online Program?

Available June 2018.

We also offer students the option of learning personal finance and money management online! The 21st Century Student’s Guide to Financial Literacy – Getting Personal  is available as a one semester digital course through Teachable, a powerful digital learning platform.

Ideal as a stand alone personal finance course, or great way to flip your classroom- or supplement in class instruction.

Each enrolled student gets an account with:

  • Over 350 e-flashcards for mastering personal finance and money management terms and concepts
  • 18 PDF read-only chapters from The 21st Century Student’s Guide to Financial Literacy – Getting Personal 
  • 18 Author-led audio podcast chapter reviews
  • 18 downloadable PDF Chapter Activities Binders
  • 18 Blog Debate Discuss activities with author’s audio commentary and instruction
  • Discussion forum for holding conversations with other students around the country about issues of financial, political or economic significance impacting GenZ.
  • 18 Graded Chapter Quizzes 
  • 24/7 access to content from student’s computer, tablet, and smartphone

What is the online course subscription period?

The subscription period is for a single semester — 100 days. Subscriptions can be renewed as needed.

Downloadable PDF Chapter Activities Binder included for each chapter! Students can read and listen to the audio chapter review podcast independently, and complete the chapter activities in class or with their fin lit study squad. Ideal for flipping your classroom!

How do I get my students started?


1. Download the order form telling us how many student accounts you need. Make sure to include your email contact information!

2. Attach a purchase order or payment information to the order form and fax it to us at 949-209-1871 — or email it to

3. Upon receipt of your order, c21Student Resources will email to you coupon codes for the number of student accounts you have purchased.

4. Distribute the coupon codes to your students when you’re ready for them to activate their accounts!